Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us that to love means to listen. No exceptions.
Psychologists call it languishing; most people call it the Blahs. There are ways to move from languishing towards flourishing, and to help others move, too.
Two magazine articles on forgiveness and justice worth reading and discussing.
Graduation speeches with worn out memes and GPA totals don’t always reflect reality. They sometimes bring unwelcome surprises.
The wisdom of the Church summarized in the Westminster Larger Catechism on the 9th commandment speaks to how we should speak today.
Sitting waiting for a vaccination is a good time to remember a previous epidemic, and how grateful I am for the discoveries of science.
The wisdom tradition of Scripture in which Jesus lived provides insight for how we can search for and find truth in an age of lies and misinformation.
It has been a long COVID winter, but there is hope, spring is coming.
I have a friend. Had a friend who was vivacious, most kind, welcoming you into her heart where ever she found you.
Physical courage (rescuing someone from a fire) doesn’t always translate into moral courage (standing for justice in the workplace). How can we learn to be courageous?