The ancient Teacher noted that as we age, chronic health conditions arise. How we deal with them is a part of faithfulness for followers of Jesus.
How important is personal virtue to leadership? Very. And the people of God have an opportunity to demonstrate the loveliness of righteousness.
An account of the Atlantic slave trade, from 1518-1865 reveals the callous disregard for the life and humanity of blacks created in the image of God.
Witnessing to Christ’s Lordship includes faithfulness in the little things of life. They can make a big difference.
A novel set in the COVD lockdown, where two strangers and a parrot are forced to consider life, meaning, connections, and how to put up with one another.
A strongly believed myth today is that our desires, what we imagine to be the best life for ourselves, is the truest part of ourselves. It isn’t.
A Vanderbilt professor argues that Beyoncé concerts are, for many in the audience, a religious experience. There are implications for the church.
The AR-15 is not designed for hunting but for killing as many people as possible in the shortest time possible. Something should be done about it.
A poet writes her way through cancer.
The authors reflect on the fiction of C. S. Lewis to uncover his deeply Christian view of being human, being part of created reality, and caring for creation.