Two quotes: on the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics and how we can respond faithfully to the chaotic state of American politics.
Tara Isabella Burton identifies a myth that shapes our world. That our true humanity is in creating ourselves as we wish and finding ways to have everyone see us that way.
My entire life has been consumed with answering the question, “What is faithfulness for the follower of Jesus in a broken world?” It started for me with Foghorn Leghorn.
Three extracts from my reading: On trivialization of faith; on caring for the earth which is the Lord’s; and on when entertainment shapes life.
In this sermon I reflect on Psalm 130, and the calling of God that we flourish, not languish, in waiting. Doing so makes us people of hope.
Three brief extracts: young adults can’t read or write cursive; hatred breeds gullibility; and insight on state lotteries.
Three brief extracts: how Christians & non-Christians see us; French social thermalism; and the difference in sermons at Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Two books, a compendium of short pieces on the art and ideas that propelled America to prominence between 1945-1968, and a biography of St. Paul.
Stop reading, listening, and watching news that makes you angry and depressed. Find stories filled with compassion, love and humor.
Social media will not go away, so we need to revisit the question of how to be faithful in our use of it.