Art Poetry Music, By guest authors Poem: Lake Superior By Sam Hamer Poet Sam Hamer celebrates the loveliness of the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota, a place resplendent with God’s glory.Read more
By Denis, Reading the Word Behold, I am doing a new thing By Denis Haack A sermon Denis preached about how the world is broken, and we are fallen, but God is doing a new, life-giving thing and has given us credible reasons for hope.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Books Noted: Saving Us (Katherine Hayhoe, 2021) and Calvinism for a Secular Age (Jessica Joustra & Robert Joustra, 2022) By Denis Haack Two helpful books. One helps us talk Christianly about climate change and the other helps us think Christianly about all of life and culture.Read more
By guest authors, Faithful in the Ordinary Personal Reflection: Windows By Scott Schuleit In poetic prose, Scott Schuleit reflects on how windows shape our vision, deepening it and occasionally distracting it.Read more
Art Poetry Music, By guest authors Poem: A Snapshot By Sam Hamer Poet Sam Hamer celebrates his son’s kite flying, when the glory of this simple act is made brightly alive by the setting sun.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary A Meditation on a Vaccination By Denis Haack Sitting waiting for a vaccination is a good time to remember a previous epidemic, and how grateful I am for the discoveries of science.Read more
By Margie, Faithful in the Ordinary Winter Fatigue By Margie Haack It has been a long COVID winter, but there is hope, spring is coming.Read more
By Denis, Consider Creation The birds at our table By Denis Haack Feeding the wild birds meets my needs as I meet theirs. And I discovered a new insight about being hospitable to them during the pandemic.Read more