The authors reflect on the fiction of C. S. Lewis to uncover his deeply Christian view of being human, being part of created reality, and caring for creation.
Doubt seems fragile and unbelief curiously robust in our world. It helps to remember we are living at the Interface.
In this highly recommended book, a Christian philosopher helps us understand how God intends us to live faithfully as his creatures in time.
In this brief tribute to the Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller (1950-2023), I call attention to him as a faithful border-stalker, a characteristic all followers of Jesus should desire.
In Biblical Critical Theory, Dr Watkin walks through the story of Scripture showing how it critiques and transforms the ideas, values, and ideologies of modern culture.
The follower of Jesus is called to be a person of hope. Pessimism about the state of things doesn’t help.
America has a serious problem with guns, and the followers of Jesus can take the lead on thinking this issue through. Three articles for discussion.
Two books on foundational doctrines of American evangelicalism. Developed by John Nelson Darby, they involve novel ideas about the Bible, the church, and End Times.
I shouldn’t tell you what I gave up for Lent, but the impact on me was so good I’m going to tell you anyway. Hope it’s worth it.
Dana Gioia’s essay, “Christianity and Poetry” in First Things is must reading for understanding Christian faith and Scripture.