Books Film, By Denis Book Review: Why Everything that Doesn’t Matter, Matters so Much (Peacock & Ashworth; 2024) By Denis Haack Andi Ashworth and Charlie Peacock write a wise book out of their long years of living faithfully as followers of Jesus.Read more
Art Poetry Music, By Denis Greeting the morning with poetry By Denis Haack Reading two Mary Oliver poems aloud each morning as we begin our day has been a refreshing practice that opens our eyes to wonder.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Flourishing in Waiting (a sermon) By Denis Haack In this sermon I reflect on Psalm 130, and the calling of God that we flourish, not languish, in waiting. Doing so makes us people of hope.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Book recommended: Ordinary Saints: Living Everyday Life to the Glory of God (2023) By Denis Haack This book celebrates and demonstrates what it means to be faithful in the ordinary to the glory of God.Read more
By Margie, Consider Creation My Chickens Get Names and an Eglu By Margie Haack Raising backyard chickens brings wonder and patience, but not necessarily eggs.Read more
Art Poetry Music, By guest authors Poem: Lake Superior By Sam Hamer Poet Sam Hamer celebrates the loveliness of the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota, a place resplendent with God’s glory.Read more
Art Poetry Music, By guest authors Poem: A Snapshot By Sam Hamer Poet Sam Hamer celebrates his son’s kite flying, when the glory of this simple act is made brightly alive by the setting sun.Read more
By Margie, Faithful in the Ordinary Winter Fatigue By Margie Haack It has been a long COVID winter, but there is hope, spring is coming.Read more