Tim Keller lists six things necessary if the followers of Jesus are to make the gospel attractive and plausible in our increasingly post-Christian world.
Journalist George Packer says there are four competing stories being told about America by Americans. It’s not a good situation. What story do we tell?
Piranesi is a novel that tells a delightfully imaginative story and invites us to ask questions that need serious reflection.
A wicked strain of toxic masculinity has long infected White evangelicalism. Jesus & John Wayne traces that sad history.
Two magazine articles on disgust—something that is sadly tearing the fragile fabric of our society—that are worth reading and discussing.
In a carefully constructed study, two Christian sociologists show how White evangelicals are against racism but inadvertently promote a racialized society.
Two magazine articles on forgiveness and justice worth reading and discussing.
I used to refer to the Story of Scripture as Creation, Fall, Redemption & Restoration. Artist Makoto Fujimura has convinced me it should be Creation, Fall, Redemption & New Creation.
Sitting waiting for a vaccination is a good time to remember a previous epidemic, and how grateful I am for the discoveries of science.
The subtitle of Charles Cotherman’s superb historical study summarizes the story he tells: A History of L’Abri, Regent College, and the Christian Study Center Movement. It’s a story well worth telling.