Journalist George Packer says there are four competing stories being told about America by Americans. It’s not a good situation. What story do we tell?
Piranesi is a novel that tells a delightfully imaginative story and invites us to ask questions that need serious reflection.
A wicked strain of toxic masculinity has long infected White evangelicalism. Jesus & John Wayne traces that sad history.
I admit there are times when I am unloving. But I always have a good excuse.
What happened behind the scenes to prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic. The story of a group of largely unknown but plucky scientists and public health officials.
A magazine article by a superb author on hospitality (and Tom Hanks) worth reading and discussing.
Two magazine articles on disgust—something that is sadly tearing the fragile fabric of our society—that are worth reading and discussing.
Two books recommended for understanding transgender and sexual identity issues.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us that to love means to listen. No exceptions.
Psychologists call it languishing; most people call it the Blahs. There are ways to move from languishing towards flourishing, and to help others move, too.