By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Lenten news By Denis Haack I shouldn’t tell you what I gave up for Lent, but the impact on me was so good I’m going to tell you anyway. Hope it’s worth it.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Being people of truth when lies generate fear, anger, & division By Denis Haack The people of God have the life-giving calling of being a truth seeker in a culture of lies, deceit, and half-truths.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Book recommended: Ordinary Saints: Living Everyday Life to the Glory of God (2023) By Denis Haack This book celebrates and demonstrates what it means to be faithful in the ordinary to the glory of God.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Book recommended: Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story (Bono, 2022) By Denis Haack Bono’s memoir is a lyrically written story of U2, songs, music, fame, activism, relationships, and deep faith.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (5) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Two extracts from my reading: On coffee & Capitalism, and on Kraft Mac & Cheese.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (4) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Four extracts: Wendell Berry’s vital words; Marilyn Chandler on childlikeness; Michael Gerson sees rot in evangelical politics; Tish Harrison Warren on A Rocha.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Book recommended: A Supreme Love (William Edgar, 2022) By Denis Haack William Edgar, Christian apologist and jazz pianist demonstrates in Supreme Love that jazz cannot be understood apart from the Christian gospel.Read more
By Denis, Consider Creation A Rocha By Denis Haack A Rocha takes God’s word in scripture and creation seriously—please consider supporting its work of caring for the Lord’s earth.Read more
By Denis, Reading the Word A sermon: The Problem with Being Right By Denis Haack Jesus tells a convicting story about two men who went to the Temple to pray. The one who was most right was unacceptable before God.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Learning to listen takes a lifetime By Denis Haack I’ve been trying to learn to listen all my life. I’m still at it and have a long way to go. Learning to listen is a lifelong discipline.Read more