Art Poetry Music, By Denis Christianity and Poetry By Denis Haack Dana Gioia’s essay, “Christianity and Poetry” in First Things is must reading for understanding Christian faith and Scripture.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Fiction reviewed: Moses, Man of the Mountain (Zora Neale Hurston, 1939) By Denis Haack In her superb novel, Moses, Man of the Mountain, Zora Neale Hurston blends the biblical story, folklore, and the legacy of southern slavery.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (2) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Three brief extracts from my reading: prevalence of guns; how to read; our experience of faith in a pluralistic world.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary How being politicized erodes Christian faith By Denis Haack Being politicized seduces the followers of Jesus away from the primacy of Scripture and the Christ-like ethic of loving those made in God’s image.Read more
By Denis, Consider Creation The hidden significance of swamps By Denis Haack Even parts of creation that seem unproductive and wasteful, like swamps, are the Lord’s and vital in the orderly planet he made.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Fiction Reviewed: Social Creature (Tara Isabella Burton, 2018). By Denis Haack Social Creature is a keen window of insight into our world, a crime novel about two young adults that merely want to live life to the fullest.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (1) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Three brief extracts: how Christians & non-Christians see us; French social thermalism; and the difference in sermons at Pearl Harbor and 9/11.Read more
By Denis, Reading the Word Behold, I am doing a new thing By Denis Haack A sermon Denis preached about how the world is broken, and we are fallen, but God is doing a new, life-giving thing and has given us credible reasons for hope.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary How should we tip when no one sees? By Denis Haack Sometimes our true selves are best revealed when there are no onlookers. No obvious onlookers, anyway.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Books Noted: The Free World (Louis Menand, 2021) and Paul: A Biography (N. T. Wright, 2018) By Denis Haack Two books, a compendium of short pieces on the art and ideas that propelled America to prominence between 1945-1968, and a biography of St. Paul.Read more