Two magazine articles on forgiveness and justice worth reading and discussing.
First Cow is a reimagined western, a delightful film that will change how you see.
We will fail to see our neighbor accurately if we think to highly of ourselves. And sadly, I think far too highly of myself.
Movies are worth discussing because they are the stories of our culture and our world. Here is a set of discussion questions that can be used with every film.
The wisdom of the Church summarized in the Westminster Larger Catechism on the 9th commandment speaks to how we should speak today.
In Being Consumed, William Cavanaugh uses St Augustine and the Eucharist to challenge Christians to live faithfully in the free market.
Sitting waiting for a vaccination is a good time to remember a previous epidemic, and how grateful I am for the discoveries of science.
The subtitle of Charles Cotherman’s superb historical study summarizes the story he tells: A History of L’Abri, Regent College, and the Christian Study Center Movement. It’s a story well worth telling.