The authors reflect on the fiction of C. S. Lewis to uncover his deeply Christian view of being human, being part of created reality, and caring for creation.
Once each year, Shepherd’s Harvest Festival brings me an opportunity to slow down and relish the glory of God’s earth and human creativity. The eggrolls on a stick make the day complete.
Three extracts from my reading: On trivialization of faith; on caring for the earth which is the Lord’s; and on when entertainment shapes life.
Bono’s memoir is a lyrically written story of U2, songs, music, fame, activism, relationships, and deep faith.
Raising backyard chickens brings wonder and patience, but not necessarily eggs.
Four extracts: Wendell Berry’s vital words; Marilyn Chandler on childlikeness; Michael Gerson sees rot in evangelical politics; Tish Harrison Warren on A Rocha.
A Rocha takes God’s word in scripture and creation seriously—please consider supporting its work of caring for the Lord’s earth.
Even parts of creation that seem unproductive and wasteful, like swamps, are the Lord’s and vital in the orderly planet he made.
Two helpful books. One helps us talk Christianly about climate change and the other helps us think Christianly about all of life and culture.
Feeding the wild birds meets my needs as I meet theirs. And I discovered a new insight about being hospitable to them during the pandemic.