A debate is raging in the culture wars over the story of America. The Church has something to say into this debate because we have been given a model in the Story of Scripture.
Four excerpts from my reading: On Taylor Smith; on bridging progressive / conservative divides; on MAGA’s rage and joy; & on the interest in tarot among Nones.
When Jesus saw the lost crowds, he had compassion on them. Do we see them with love? Or do we see some of those different from ourselves as contemptible?
America has a serious problem with guns, and the followers of Jesus can take the lead on thinking this issue through. Three articles for discussion.
Three articles worth discussing. Two on an ideology known as “Christian nationalism,” and one on whether a revival of Christian faith can occur in America.
Three extracts from my reading: On trivialization of faith; on caring for the earth which is the Lord’s; and on when entertainment shapes life.
[Explicit Lyrics] A pastor helps us listen with understanding to RTJ4, a rap album by a duo who have known and want us to see the brokenness of our world.
The people of God have the life-giving calling of being a truth seeker in a culture of lies, deceit, and half-truths.
Bono’s memoir is a lyrically written story of U2, songs, music, fame, activism, relationships, and deep faith.
Four extracts: Wendell Berry’s vital words; Marilyn Chandler on childlikeness; Michael Gerson sees rot in evangelical politics; Tish Harrison Warren on A Rocha.