Three brief extracts from my reading: prevalence of guns; how to read; our experience of faith in a pluralistic world.
Being politicized seduces the followers of Jesus away from the primacy of Scripture and the Christ-like ethic of loving those made in God’s image.
Three brief extracts: how Christians & non-Christians see us; French social thermalism; and the difference in sermons at Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Two books, a compendium of short pieces on the art and ideas that propelled America to prominence between 1945-1968, and a biography of St. Paul.
Journalist George Packer says there are four competing stories being told about America by Americans. It’s not a good situation. What story do we tell?
What happened behind the scenes to prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic. The story of a group of largely unknown but plucky scientists and public health officials.
Two magazine articles on disgust—something that is sadly tearing the fragile fabric of our society—that are worth reading and discussing.
The wisdom of the Church summarized in the Westminster Larger Catechism on the 9th commandment speaks to how we should speak today.
As Greg Grooms shows in a review of the movie, Mr Jones, this is not the first time in history that the accusation of “fake news” confused truth and lies.
This helpful and important book on biblical interpretation by a professor of New Testament speaks directly to our cultural moment in our racially divided world.