Three books telling the history and stories of Native Americans touch deep chords of humanness and help fill out my understanding of the true story of America.
Tara Isabella Burton identifies a myth that shapes our world. That our true humanity is in creating ourselves as we wish and finding ways to have everyone see us that way.
In her latest novel, Ann Patchett has a mother tell her grown daughters of the summer when she dated a Hollywood star. The story wasn’t what they expected.
A review of Cormac McCarthy’s two final novels, The Passenger and Stella Maris. Brilliant stories, brilliantly told about the deeply human quest for meaning.
In the novel Trust, Hernan Diaz demonstrates that hearing a story that seems believable and plausible is not sufficient to know it is true. We need to hear the other side.
James K. A. Smith explains why looking at my past with regret is a denial of God’s grace, who has taken my story into his Story in Christ.
In this highly recommended book, a Christian philosopher helps us understand how God intends us to live faithfully as his creatures in time.
In Biblical Critical Theory, Dr Watkin walks through the story of Scripture showing how it critiques and transforms the ideas, values, and ideologies of modern culture.
Two books on foundational doctrines of American evangelicalism. Developed by John Nelson Darby, they involve novel ideas about the Bible, the church, and End Times.
This book celebrates and demonstrates what it means to be faithful in the ordinary to the glory of God.