Two extracts from my reading: On coffee & Capitalism, and on Kraft Mac & Cheese.
A Christian human rights lawyer asks whether being pro-life requires us to allow the State to legally mandate childbirth.
Poet Sam Hamer celebrates the loveliness of the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota, a place resplendent with God’s glory.
Margie’s new “Place Trilogy” of books is now available: The Exact Place, No Place, This Place. She has recorded a reading for your listening pleasure.
Listen as Margie reads about the first meal she cooks for Denis. An excerpt from No Place.
A magazine article by a superb author on hospitality (and Tom Hanks) worth reading and discussing.
Poet Sam Hamer celebrates his son’s kite flying, when the glory of this simple act is made brightly alive by the setting sun.
No Place is a memoir by Margie about a spiritual journey that takes her through her years as a young woman.
On the final run of the day as the sun sets, poet Sam Hamer reflects on following his son down the slope.
One of the ways to bring comfort and pleasure to others is what I can do in the kitchen.