In Lifting the Veil, poet, priest, and scholar Malcolm Guite restores the imagination to its rightful place in Christian faithfulness.
None of us are equally proficient in demonstrating every fruit of the Spirit—and that reveals where we need to grow as followers of Jesus.
In poetic prose, Scott Schuleit reflects on how windows shape our vision, deepening it and occasionally distracting it.
A wicked strain of toxic masculinity has long infected White evangelicalism. Jesus & John Wayne traces that sad history.
I admit there are times when I am unloving. But I always have a good excuse.
Psychologists call it languishing; most people call it the Blahs. There are ways to move from languishing towards flourishing, and to help others move, too.
No Place is a memoir by Margie about a spiritual journey that takes her through her years as a young woman.
The wisdom of the Church summarized in the Westminster Larger Catechism on the 9th commandment speaks to how we should speak today.
If we imagine that speaking the truth fulfills our responsibility in a world of lies, we are mistaken. Being winsome means truth is always linked with lovingkindness.
Reading through the Bible in a year can be a challenge.