The authors reflect on the fiction of C. S. Lewis to uncover his deeply Christian view of being human, being part of created reality, and caring for creation.
Doubt seems fragile and unbelief curiously robust in our world. It helps to remember we are living at the Interface.
A review of Cormac McCarthy’s two final novels, The Passenger and Stella Maris. Brilliant stories, brilliantly told about the deeply human quest for meaning.
Four excerpts from my reading: On Taylor Smith; on bridging progressive / conservative divides; on MAGA’s rage and joy; & on the interest in tarot among Nones.
James K. A. Smith explains why looking at my past with regret is a denial of God’s grace, who has taken my story into his Story in Christ.
In this highly recommended book, a Christian philosopher helps us understand how God intends us to live faithfully as his creatures in time.
In this brief tribute to the Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller (1950-2023), I call attention to him as a faithful border-stalker, a characteristic all followers of Jesus should desire.
When Jesus saw the lost crowds, he had compassion on them. Do we see them with love? Or do we see some of those different from ourselves as contemptible?
In Biblical Critical Theory, Dr Watkin walks through the story of Scripture showing how it critiques and transforms the ideas, values, and ideologies of modern culture.
The follower of Jesus is called to be a person of hope. Pessimism about the state of things doesn’t help.