Three articles worth discussing. Two on an ideology known as “Christian nationalism,” and one on whether a revival of Christian faith can occur in America.
Four extracts: Wendell Berry’s vital words; Marilyn Chandler on childlikeness; Michael Gerson sees rot in evangelical politics; Tish Harrison Warren on A Rocha.
A Rocha takes God’s word in scripture and creation seriously—please consider supporting its work of caring for the Lord’s earth.
Byron Borger of Hearts and Minds Bookstore send free emails called “Book Notes” calling attention to books worth reading. Please subscribe. It’s free!
In an uncertain world, the question is how should we respond when we are uncertain how to respond? Here’s a place to begin.
Being politicized seduces the followers of Jesus away from the primacy of Scripture and the Christ-like ethic of loving those made in God’s image.
Even parts of creation that seem unproductive and wasteful, like swamps, are the Lord’s and vital in the orderly planet he made.
Two books, a compendium of short pieces on the art and ideas that propelled America to prominence between 1945-1968, and a biography of St. Paul.
Two helpful books. One helps us talk Christianly about climate change and the other helps us think Christianly about all of life and culture.
Most books on moral philosophy are dense and dry, requiring us to slog through turgid prose and convoluted logic. Except this one.