By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (1) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Three brief extracts: how Christians & non-Christians see us; French social thermalism; and the difference in sermons at Pearl Harbor and 9/11.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary How should we tip when no one sees? By Denis Haack Sometimes our true selves are best revealed when there are no onlookers. No obvious onlookers, anyway.Read more
Books Film, By Margie Place Trilogy available By Margie Haack Margie’s new “Place Trilogy” of books is now available: The Exact Place, No Place, This Place. She has recorded a reading for your listening pleasure.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Thinking about social media By Denis Haack Social media will not go away, so we need to revisit the question of how to be faithful in our use of it.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Maturing is a process By Denis Haack None of us are equally proficient in demonstrating every fruit of the Spirit—and that reveals where we need to grow as followers of Jesus.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Book review: How to be Perfec t: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question (Michael Schur, 2022) By Denis Haack Most books on moral philosophy are dense and dry, requiring us to slog through turgid prose and convoluted logic. Except this one.Read more
Books Film, By Margie Failure to Impress By Margie Haack Listen as Margie reads about the first meal she cooks for Denis. An excerpt from No Place.Read more
By Denis, Reading the Word The polarized riches of wisdom By Denis Haack Clarity & simplicity as well as ambiguity & mystery is essential to the nature of wisdom. Most of us are comfortable with one or the other, but we need to live contentedly in both.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Unloving? I have a good excuse By Denis Haack I admit there are times when I am unloving. But I always have a good excuse.Read more
Books Film, By Margie No Place: A Spiritual Memoir by Margie By Margie Haack No Place is a memoir by Margie about a spiritual journey that takes her through her years as a young woman.Read more