In an uncertain world, the question is how should we respond when we are uncertain how to respond? Here’s a place to begin.
Dana Gioia’s essay, “Christianity and Poetry” in First Things is must reading for understanding Christian faith and Scripture.
Three brief extracts from my reading: prevalence of guns; how to read; our experience of faith in a pluralistic world.
Being politicized seduces the followers of Jesus away from the primacy of Scripture and the Christ-like ethic of loving those made in God’s image.
Sometimes our true selves are best revealed when there are no onlookers. No obvious onlookers, anyway.
Margie’s new “Place Trilogy” of books is now available: The Exact Place, No Place, This Place. She has recorded a reading for your listening pleasure.
In Lifting the Veil, poet, priest, and scholar Malcolm Guite restores the imagination to its rightful place in Christian faithfulness.
None of us are equally proficient in demonstrating every fruit of the Spirit—and that reveals where we need to grow as followers of Jesus.
In poetic prose, Scott Schuleit reflects on how windows shape our vision, deepening it and occasionally distracting it.
A wicked strain of toxic masculinity has long infected White evangelicalism. Jesus & John Wayne traces that sad history.