Books Film, By Denis Book recommended: Ordinary Saints: Living Everyday Life to the Glory of God (2023) By Denis Haack This book celebrates and demonstrates what it means to be faithful in the ordinary to the glory of God.Read more
Books Film, By Denis Book recommended: Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story (Bono, 2022) By Denis Haack Bono’s memoir is a lyrically written story of U2, songs, music, fame, activism, relationships, and deep faith.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (4) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Four extracts: Wendell Berry’s vital words; Marilyn Chandler on childlikeness; Michael Gerson sees rot in evangelical politics; Tish Harrison Warren on A Rocha.Read more
By Denis, Reading the Word A sermon: The Problem with Being Right By Denis Haack Jesus tells a convicting story about two men who went to the Temple to pray. The one who was most right was unacceptable before God.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Going Back to Square One By Denis Haack In an uncertain world, the question is how should we respond when we are uncertain how to respond? Here’s a place to begin.Read more
Art Poetry Music, By Denis Christianity and Poetry By Denis Haack Dana Gioia’s essay, “Christianity and Poetry” in First Things is must reading for understanding Christian faith and Scripture.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (2) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Three brief extracts from my reading: prevalence of guns; how to read; our experience of faith in a pluralistic world.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary How being politicized erodes Christian faith By Denis Haack Being politicized seduces the followers of Jesus away from the primacy of Scripture and the Christ-like ethic of loving those made in God’s image.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary How should we tip when no one sees? By Denis Haack Sometimes our true selves are best revealed when there are no onlookers. No obvious onlookers, anyway.Read more
Books Film, By Margie Place Trilogy available By Margie Haack Margie’s new “Place Trilogy” of books is now available: The Exact Place, No Place, This Place. She has recorded a reading for your listening pleasure.Read more