America has a serious problem with guns, and the followers of Jesus can take the lead on thinking this issue through. Three articles for discussion.
Three extracts from my reading: On trivialization of faith; on caring for the earth which is the Lord’s; and on when entertainment shapes life.
In this sermon I reflect on Psalm 130, and the calling of God that we flourish, not languish, in waiting. Doing so makes us people of hope.
[Explicit Lyrics] A pastor helps us listen with understanding to RTJ4, a rap album by a duo who have known and want us to see the brokenness of our world.
The people of God have the life-giving calling of being a truth seeker in a culture of lies, deceit, and half-truths.
I’ve been trying to learn to listen all my life. I’m still at it and have a long way to go. Learning to listen is a lifelong discipline.
Three brief extracts: young adults can’t read or write cursive; hatred breeds gullibility; and insight on state lotteries.
A Christian human rights lawyer asks whether being pro-life requires us to allow the State to legally mandate childbirth.
In an uncertain world, the question is how should we respond when we are uncertain how to respond? Here’s a place to begin.
Even parts of creation that seem unproductive and wasteful, like swamps, are the Lord’s and vital in the orderly planet he made.