By Denis, Discerning the World Articles worth discussing: The problem with guns. By Denis Haack America has a serious problem with guns, and the followers of Jesus can take the lead on thinking this issue through. Three articles for discussion.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (6) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Three extracts from my reading: On trivialization of faith; on caring for the earth which is the Lord’s; and on when entertainment shapes life.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Flourishing in Waiting (a sermon) By Denis Haack In this sermon I reflect on Psalm 130, and the calling of God that we flourish, not languish, in waiting. Doing so makes us people of hope.Read more
Art Poetry Music, By guest authors Ruin in Rhyme: RTJ4 and our Study of Sin By Billy Boyce [Explicit Lyrics] A pastor helps us listen with understanding to RTJ4, a rap album by a duo who have known and want us to see the brokenness of our world.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Being people of truth when lies generate fear, anger, & division By Denis Haack The people of God have the life-giving calling of being a truth seeker in a culture of lies, deceit, and half-truths.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Learning to listen takes a lifetime By Denis Haack I’ve been trying to learn to listen all my life. I’m still at it and have a long way to go. Learning to listen is a lifelong discipline.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World Sundry (3) Quotations Worth Reflection By Denis Haack Three brief extracts: young adults can’t read or write cursive; hatred breeds gullibility; and insight on state lotteries.Read more
By Denis, Discerning the World What does pro-life mean about abortion? By Denis Haack A Christian human rights lawyer asks whether being pro-life requires us to allow the State to legally mandate childbirth.Read more
By Denis, Faithful in the Ordinary Going Back to Square One By Denis Haack In an uncertain world, the question is how should we respond when we are uncertain how to respond? Here’s a place to begin.Read more
By Denis, Consider Creation The hidden significance of swamps By Denis Haack Even parts of creation that seem unproductive and wasteful, like swamps, are the Lord’s and vital in the orderly planet he made.Read more